
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 13---Puerto Vallarta

Vendors in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco are not quite as bad as those in Cartagena, but persistence sure pays off, they seems to think. Not as hot as usual this morning, so we walked to a small vendor area near the ship (Walmart is across the street, but we didn't go there!) where we bought some tourist items typical of the area. I finally bought a flowered ceramic bowl---my only souvenir but one I will use, and several other little things. I looked at beaded animals, but did not buy one. Way too expensive and I got tired of looking and trying to bring the price down. Where's Surani when I need her?

Had an ugly fabric contest tonight which I am glad I did not win: there was some really ugly fabric brought, but some of it I did not think was ugly at all, and would have gladly used in a quilt.


  1. People actually brought ugly fabric? I guess I can't even imagine what that would look like...

  2. Sometimes you don't think it is ugly when you buy it - but later on...."oh my, what was I thinking".
