
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 17---Prairie Postings

Peculiar MO
Left Clinton after doing our laundry in a convenient, clean laundromat across the street from the motel.  Still have not called Gogi and Ranbir--figure I'll wait until it is funnier than it has already become (see yesterday).  One the road before 9:00, are we ever efficient! Driving NW we encountered the peculiar town of Peculiar, which is in Cass County (more about this a little later).  The town motto is "Where the 'odds' are with you." Think about it.
Couldn't get the County of Cass sign, so the Parkway is going to 
have to do.  This is in honor of my oldest granddaughter Cassandra,
aka Cass.  Cass, this road sign is for you.  

For you, Cass
How many states is it now?
We were soon in Kansas City, Missouri, immediately followed by Kansas City, Kansas;  we're now on I-70, which we will follow for many miles, about 700 actually (Is Kansas ever a wwwiiidddeee state!).
Notice how far the road goes, and goes, and goes
We enjoyed the rolling hills of eastern Kansas---it is here that I-70 is a toll road, only $2.50 though, so not bad at all.  We were off the toll road at Topeka, then through Lawrence, where Pat and I agree we could live (except for humidity, are we Californians ever spoiled).  Passing by Junction City, I tried to take a picture for my sister-in-law Raghbir, who lived there when she first came to the United States, but could see nothing that was "pictorial."

 We soon saw road signs for Grandma Hoerner's Foods and Factory.  Hmmmm, a factory?  Since it was literally a stone's throw from the freeway, we stopped.  It really is a factory, and they were making thick-sliced apple pie filling on the assembly line that day.  I bought Pat pumpkin butter, hopefully a favorite which she can order again on-line.

Outside Alma KS
 Road cuts and rocks always interest me, and Kansas has some beauties, with lots of color.  You could almost expect to see something like this in New Mexico or Arizona---hey, wait a minute, we did see something like this in New Mexico or Arizona!
Chapman, KS
We stopped at our first quilt shop called Mother and Me in Chapman KS.  This is a tiny town (with brick pavements, which is something I've never seen in California) that got hit really hard by a tornado three years ago.  "Extreme Makeover", if that's the name of the show that builds houses for people, came to the town and rebuilt a house for someone.  It is also the home of Joe Engle, Astronaut, according to the sign on the grain tower.

Joe Engle of Chapman KS
The quilt shop was small, run by two women who bought it because it was going to close and they needed to keep it open.  Very friendly, and Pat bought a kit that she's been looking for for a long time.

Place of Meditation
Abilene KS
Front of the Presidential Library
On the grounds
Eisenhower Center
We followed old US 40 from Chapman to Abilene, where we stopped at the Eisenhower Center.  This includes a Presidential Library, Chapel where he and Mamie are buried, a Museum, Visitors Center and his childhood home.  Very beautiful grounds, with trees, flowers and butterflies everywhere.  We enjoyed getting out of the car and walking around.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Childhood home

For some reason Pat and I both feel that Abilene is in Texas,  which it's not.

Salida, KS
We continued following old US 40 from Chapman to Salida KS.  Two women from Kansas that I met in Paducah had recommended the quilt shop there, and we were not disappointed.  Pat and I have decided that two quilt shops in one day, no matter how nice, is almost fabric overload, especially after Paducah.  All of our children will be happy to read this, as we are spending their inheritance for cloth!

 We ate lunch in Salida, back onto I-70, and continued on for about 90 minutes to Hays, KS.

Did I mention flat?
Not quite Amarillo ( cf. Day 6)
Waving fields of grain

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